Shore's Edge Photography

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Christa Elias | NJ Fitness Competitor & Trainer

A typical morning in the life of Personal Trainer and NJ Fitness Competitor Christa Elias:  Wake up, throw on clothes & get to the gym to do 40 minutes of fasted cardio.  Eat breakfast at the gym before beginning training sessions for the day and then lift weights after the clients.  Eating every 2-3 hours, strategically hitting every macronutrient amount and drinking a gallon of water a day.  

Preparing for a competition is seriously tough work and only the strong willed, determined & disciplined can do it.  Oh, but look at how it pays off!  This session was the day after Christa placed 1st at the NPC NJ State Championships for Fitness!  This bombshell works hard and gives hard work outs, because she knows what bodies are capable of.  Congratulations Christa - you totally deserved that win!  Proud of you girl!

To check out her fitness programs, personal training, and life coaching company, head on over to